
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Back In It

I'm going to pick up on The Temple of the Red Velvet Jesus again. I need to get this finished. So I can be published and awesome and totally non-gloating by rubbing my book in your face.

And screw Script Frenzy. I'm just not feeling the screenwriting thing anymore. Oh, well.

So after I awake. At some point during the day as I will be very busy doing whatever, I will pull out my manuscript and get to work. Not working on it makes me feel unaccomplished and lazy. And if there's anything I hate, it's feeling lazy. (That's right, I'm a *procrastinating* workaholic. Is conflict, yes?)

At this point I'm not entirely sure how my little fledgling novel is going to end up. I've made so many changes (in my head) that I don't know where it's going. But I look forward to finding out.

I blame Twitter for this sudden desire for productivity. Since hockey season (or at least the Thrashers' season) ended I've been following more writers. There are so many writers on Twitter who either have books out or will have them out soon. I want to be one of those. I want to be published. I want to be something.

But first. I need to sleep.

Here's to dreams of publishing.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lent Update

I know how for some people a Lent promise is more like a New Years' (Year's? Years?) Resolution in that it typically gets a lot of attention for about a week or so then is promptly forgotten. Not so for me.

Even though I have not posted since 14 March, I have not gotten my Lent promise out of my head: to NOT procrastinate.

I must admit. I have been doing a LOT of procrastinating. Take this post for example: I started writing this post about a month ago and have never been able to finish it. And now it is the day before Easter. Technically Lent is over. And I don't feel like I've come anywhere close to accomplishing my goal of not procrastinating. I feel a little like this instead.

So how did my Lent "experiment" go?


I don't know why I'm such a procrastinator. I don't know why I like to put myself under unnecessary stress. It's a bad habit that, for the sake of my health and sanity, needs to change. I don't know how I'm going to do it but it's something that must be done. If Lent can't cure my procrastinating ways, what can?