
About Me


I started this blog because I was bored. I update it whenever I remember that I have a blog and feel like it's absolutely necessary to say something.

I am a notorious procrastinator. This includes things that are important to me and to others. I apologize in advance. If I blow off an assignment or something, it's not because I don't like you, it's most likely because I honestly don't remember what I was supposed to do. Again, I apologize.

Sarcasm is a trait I value above all others, except for maybe general not-being-a-douche-bag-iness.

I try to be a writer, but since "writer's write" I guess I'm more likely a Professional Procrastinator.

So, as a Professional Procrastinator I:

  • Don't write novels but instead dream about it from a distance.
  • Don't do things like homework because I'm too busy wasting time on Twitter or watching reruns of TV shows I don't even like.
  • Say things like, "One day I'll be a conceptual/graphic artist, or a singer, or a filmmaker."
  • Waste time writing a blog instead of doing any of the aforementioned things.

Thanks for wasting time on my blog!

Because that's 10 minutes of your life you're not getting back.