
Thursday, January 13, 2011


After finally getting through the read through of my work-in-progress "The Temple of the Red Velvet Jesus", I have decided that I hate how my two main characters meet. The original beginning was that they would meet at some sort of "love yourself" assembly at school. I quickly moved to it being a school assignment in English class, then Sociology class, but now I've decided to go back to an assembly of sorts.

My novel has taken a turn for the dark. And I think that's for the best. I'm not good at writing happy stories. So the new beginning is this:

My main character Ryan has a friend (not invented yet) who kills himself. Ryan is a bitter kid, gloomy, and depressed. It's at some sort of class counseling that Ryan and Forrest meet. The first part just seemed way to sitcom-y for me to continue to use it.

So, in closing: the story just got that much better, that much more focused. The bad news is I have to rewrite the first 40 pages or so just to make it fit. Oh, well. It's for the best.

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