
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Confessions of an Internet Addict I

Twitter. For as long has I had known Twitter existed, I have spoken out against it. Well today, I am retracting that statement. Twitter does have a purpose, not a very good purpose, but a purpose nonetheless. The purpose of Twitter is: It gives hopeless internet addicts like me a way to pass the time.

I just spent the past 2 and 1/2 hours updating Twitter about the status of the Thrashers game. I had fun with it because I was trying to beat out the Official Thrashers Twitterer to update. And for the most part I did. I also prided myself on the fact that not only was I watching the game and updating faithfully to Twitter, but I was also, blow-drying and flat ironing my hair at the same time. I love to multi-task.

I now love the fact that I can tell the world how I feel in real time whether they want to know or not. I still, however, believe that Twitter is legalized stalking. I still, also, believe that Twitter is an utter waste of time. And I still, firmly, believe that Twitter is at least possible for the downfall of human literacy and/or intelligence.

But the pace of Twitter is so addictive that I can't help but spend all day on it thinking of anything I can say in 140 characters or less. It's forcing me to come up with something witty to say in condensed form. And I think that's a good thing. Brevity is always good. But when it comes time for me to speak for much longer than 140 characters, I have Blogger to help me with that.

So Tweet me, dammit, and Tweet me hard @ana_marai.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to determine what I want to do on this blog. I have some ideas. Yo no se.

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