
Monday, March 14, 2011

What is Lent? AKA: I'm already breaking my promise

According to Wikipedia's Lent page, because it's SOOO accurate:
Lent in the Catholic tradition, is the period of the liturgical year leading up to Easter. Lent is a time of sacrifice for Jesus. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer — through prayerrepentancealmsgiving and self-denial — for the annual commemoration during Holy Week of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
And as I stated in my previous post, I'm trying my darndest to give up procrastinating for Lent. How is that going? Not too well.

Last night I pulled an all-nighter staying up until 5am to not just finish, but WRITE my speech about the Mozart Effect (MOZART!!!!!). I put that speech off for so long. I'd know about the speech since the first day of class in January. We were officially handed out the assignment about three weeks ago. I finally started writing it less than 24 hours away from the due date. Despite all of this I did surprisingly well.

I have no idea why I can't just sit down and do the work assigned to me in a reasonable amount of time. I don't know why I become so productive when there's hardly enough time to do the work. I guess I work well under pressure. That might be why I did so well in NaNoWriMo, a competition where you stretch the limits of your creative writing ability.

For NaNoWriMo I got off to a great start, another thing I'm very good at. There was no school, there was nothing else to do, and since both the internet and cable were out there were no distractions. But halfway through November, when the telly came back on and I could do something more besides watching Dr. Wayne Dyer on PBS for six hours, I began goofing off again. Then school started back. I went an entire week without writing a word. And that added up tremendously.

In the last week of NaNoWriMo I was once again in a mad rush. I WANTED THOSE WINNER GOODIES! (Even though I did not yet know what they would be.) Things started working out again, the cable and internet went off again, Dr. Amen and his Brain in Love program came on so much that I had memorized half of the 2-hour program, and I got back to work. I finished at 1:50am the day of the deadline and verified my word count at school. The site sent me this:

Among other things...

This was the biggest project I've ever finished. This was the first time I was ever able to finish anything of real importance for me. I was so proud of myself, despite the fact that by the last day of the 30-day contest, I no longer had the mental capacity to form a complete sentence on paper. My fingers literally locked up over the keyboard every time I tried to type, but I got it done.

Which brings me to the point of this excessive rambling: Procrastination can be a good thing. Procrastinating is what forced me to have to be creative and pull words out of my ass and put them on paper in a mostly comprehensible manner.

But it certainly would've gone a lot better had I just been able to get the words on the paper in the first place.

So come on, Lent. Bring it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This Was Written to Pass the Bloody Time

Since I randomly decided to brutally overtake my kick-ass yet confusing Blogger template with a much less exciting yet more understandable Blogger template, I thought I might as well post some sort to commemorate said happy, happy occasion.

And since my computer's clock says 12:03am, thus making it not Mardi Gras anymore, I can't say and/or do the things on this blog that I could've done just a mere three minutes ago. Sad timing there...

Anyway, I'm not a particularly religious person (maybe I'll explain why in another post, but given what I wrote on my spanking new About Me page, that most likely won't happen) but I do very much appreciate the time of Lent: where devout Catholics willingly give up something they enjoy, be it a bad habit, or a particular food, or activity, for the sake of proving their devotion and ability to resist temptation. All for the love of the Jesus.

I commend all the hardcore Catholics who can pull off such a feat, which for the normal, undevoted sinner can be as hard keeping their New Year's Resolutions. For those who manage to pull off their Lent promises or whatever they're called: I am truly jealous, thus adding more sin to my pile.

So for the sheer, self-annoyance of it, I, a devout non-Catholic, will give up something for Lent as well. And this one is a doosie, because this is something that pretty much defines my life, and existence. Something that without it, I would feel incomplete. That's right world: I'm giving up PROCRASTINATING.

Just in time for my new About Me page in which I so proudly proclaimed my procrastination. I even hailed myself as a Professional Procrastinator. This will be a true test of faith, self-ability, endurance, and any other trait I don't have but will list here for the sake of listing.

How will I do this? When I have a task, I will do it. I will not make excuses. I will not put it on the back burner and completely forget about it until it's almost too late. I will sit my ass down and work until it's done. Which most likely means I will not be wasting as much time on the internet/staring at telly as before.

Imma duke it out. Let's hope I can pull it off.

And for the record: How is my Resolutions coming?

They isn't...

Maybe this midnight epiphany will change that.