
Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Want to Be the Best! On Second Thought, I’ll Settle for Average: A Lesson in Realism

Needless to say, yesterday, I was very upset. And the upset continues today. I’ve been crying off and on since that hard drive died. I was so worried I was going to fail since I didn’t turn in my final project. But I did pass, if only just barely. At the beginning of the quarter I was determined to get straight A’s, but by the end, especially in Photoshop, I was just looking to pass. It’s funny how much my goals changed during the 10-week quarter. Oh, well…

In better news, I did pass, and I may have gotten A’s in my other two classes. Which means my GPA is 2.67, 3.0, or 3.33 for the quarter. I’m hoping for the last one. I don’t know what it is about Photoshop that makes it so difficult. The application in itself isn’t hard to figure out. It must be the work load, coupled with the fact that I get stressed out way too easily. But that has passed; the quarter is over and it is time to move on.

Meanwhile, to distract myself, I watched Top Model tonight and have managed to group the models into traditional network-induced stereotypes.

Kayla: the lesbian who had no mention of it in the previous episode.

Kendal: the loveable hillbilly

Chris and Terra: the package deal

Ann: Tall and naturally skinny, A.K.A. everyone hates her. (She also takes the best photos)

Jane: Ivy Leaguer

Chelsey: No info on her. She just scares me.

Esther: Orthodox Jew with super-huge boobs who’s essentially renounced her religion for the sake of network TV.

Kacey: Blind as a bat and dumb as a doornail (who else would take off their glasses, essentially blinding themselves as they teeter above a shaky catwalk suspended 50-feet in the air?)

Lexie: Party girl. Not to be confused with Rhianna.

Rhianna: Stoner party girl. Not to be confused with Lexie.

Liz: Rocker chick who I would’ve picked as lesbian if I had known before hand that there was a random lesbian in the group.

Sara: She’s a single mom, trying to support her baby by choosing a career that’s one step above stripper. She scares me, too.

And let’s not forget the whole reason I even brought up this whole “realism” topic via Top Model:

Anamaria: the recently eliminated girl who prompted a PSA-type response from judges for being so bony and unnaturally skinny. I hope she gets help. There also was no mention of this in the previous episode, then again, she was always in baggy clothing. To see her in a bathing suit with all her bones showing was super scary. Again, she can’t be healthy, and I hope she gets help, because if she is anorexic, she’s in extreme denial. I saw a picture of a model that was taken shortly before she died of anorexia, and she didn’t look much thinner than how Anamaria looks now. Anamaria said how she wanted to be lean, but I think she’s gone way past lean, she’s emaciated. She just doesn’t get how unhealthy she looks. To paraphrase Tyra, she could be the healthiest girl in the world, but if she doesn’t look healthy, that won’t cut it. She needs a reality check. If she’s happy with the way she looks, that’s fine. But she just doesn’t look like she treats her body as well as she should. And on a random note, I think her lack of eating made her into a bitch.

It’s great to be an idealist and optimistic, but sometimes we’ve got to drop the layer of BS and face reality. Things aren’t going to be as easy as we want them to be. There are going to be times when “troubles melt like lemon drops” and there are going to be times when you’re so pissed off at the world being unfair that you’ll want to take those lemon drops and run them over with your overpriced SUV and then torch those little bastards. The important thing is to find a balance, and I haven’t really found that balance yet, which would explain why I had a 24-hour meltdown. But alas, everything in its own time. It’ll pass eventually. Things aren't always as bad as they seem. The hard part is waiting out the storm.

My question for you: How do you deal with the stresses in your life? Leave a comment.

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