
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Confessions of an Internet Addict I

Twitter. For as long has I had known Twitter existed, I have spoken out against it. Well today, I am retracting that statement. Twitter does have a purpose, not a very good purpose, but a purpose nonetheless. The purpose of Twitter is: It gives hopeless internet addicts like me a way to pass the time.

I just spent the past 2 and 1/2 hours updating Twitter about the status of the Thrashers game. I had fun with it because I was trying to beat out the Official Thrashers Twitterer to update. And for the most part I did. I also prided myself on the fact that not only was I watching the game and updating faithfully to Twitter, but I was also, blow-drying and flat ironing my hair at the same time. I love to multi-task.

I now love the fact that I can tell the world how I feel in real time whether they want to know or not. I still, however, believe that Twitter is legalized stalking. I still, also, believe that Twitter is an utter waste of time. And I still, firmly, believe that Twitter is at least possible for the downfall of human literacy and/or intelligence.

But the pace of Twitter is so addictive that I can't help but spend all day on it thinking of anything I can say in 140 characters or less. It's forcing me to come up with something witty to say in condensed form. And I think that's a good thing. Brevity is always good. But when it comes time for me to speak for much longer than 140 characters, I have Blogger to help me with that.

So Tweet me, dammit, and Tweet me hard @ana_marai.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to determine what I want to do on this blog. I have some ideas. Yo no se.

Confessions of an Internet Addict

This is a new segment I will be doing to justify the ridiculous amount of time I spend on the internet doing nothing useful.

Every week, or whatever, I will bring to the world an interesting and/or amusing, but never educative story about something either internet related or brought to the world because of the internet. If it works out, I'll make it into it's own blog and/or website. If not, I'll do it anyway.

I really am addicted to the internet. Once in November, the internet was out for 2 weeks. I almost died from withdrawal.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Insomnia Can Be Inspirational If You Let It

I can't sleep. So today, I've joined Twitter (already regretting it) and My horoscope says I need to do something. So I'm doing something. I'm writing, mainly because it didn't tell me what it is I should be doing. What kind of anonymous internet horoscope doesn't know what's going on in my life? It's sponsored by Yahoo! and with all of the internet spying and Facebook internet security leaks, they should know a lot more. I've already mentioned in an earlier post how much I hate anonymous internet horoscopes, but still.

Anyway, I'm bored, I'm exhausted, and I can't sleep. So soon, I'm going to start writing articles about the news, vaguely inspired by The Onion, and more inspired by Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! No reason, really. Just because I care. I'm also going to start exercising again, because I'm bored, and cleaning my room obsessively, because it's about time I have a crutch I can count on.

To recap:

I'm an insomniac (not officially diagnosed).
Twitter sucks.
I shall write, damn it.
I shall exercise, too, double damn it!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Random Glory

A few days ago, I got a new idea for a story. It's about this woman who's trying to figure out the history of everything, etc. It oh so vaguely resembles the Lara Croft series, but not really. Anyway, I was so exited about the idea.

And today, I just found a website explain exactly what my unnamed character is trying to do. It's called The Origin of Language. I haven't started reading it yet, but it seems so interesting and right on the head of what I was trying to do. Way to make my job so much easier. I didn't even go out looking for this, it just showed up on the MyYahoo homepage. Interesting. Sometimes, something good does come out of those irritating modules.

I still don't know if it's legitimate or if this guy's a total nutcase. Either way, it's good luck for my new story.

Hurrah for serendipity!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Library is Your Friend

Especially when you have no money and they've finally started buying movies from this century.

Everything at the library is FREE, all you have to do is return it on time. The only bad news is that sometimes the books smell like disinfected cigarettes and sometimes the DVDs skip, not to mention the CDs which I don't think are ever updating, and when a new book is brought in it takes forever for it to reach my hands.

But all of that fails in comparison to the fact that it's FREE!!!

Editing Temple

I'm going to start editing my NaNoWriMo novel. It's called "The Temple of the Red Velvet Jesus". It's about a boy who discovers something shocking about himself, something that threatens to destroy his entire life. It's a comedy.

I've tried (not very hard) to fix whatever happened to the template. I don't care enough at this point to make sure it's working perfectly. So much for perfectionism.

In an attempt to actually get my NaNo edited. I've given myself a deadline. I will have the second draft done by 31 January. It's really soon, but necessary. I'd been trying to write this novel for years and wasn't able to do so. I signed up for NaNoWriMo and finished it in 30 days. Hmm...

Anyway, to recap:

2nd draft to be done by 31 January 2011

I want to be able to use that Create Space offer and get a free proof copy. I want to hold my book in my hands. And as a quasi-graphic design student, I'm designing my own cover. I'll post it: a) when I figure out how, and b) when I actually get around to doing it.

This second draft isn't going to be perfect, as my 1st draft barely made sense, but it's serving to make it readable to others, although at this stage no one will be reading it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Return of the Inevitable

I've been reading different blogs as a way to procrastinate from editing my NaNoWriMo novel. I stumbled upon A Dragon Writes and Holly Lisle's website.

I've got a new idea for a series and I've been inspired to write again, because, if I'm going to be a hardcore insomniac, I might as well do something useful.

We'll see how long I can keep this up...